What are five things I am grateful for today?
husband is amazing husband. I am grateful for his support during our various
adventures--and misadventures. He is now supporting me through my third knee
surgery. I am truly grateful to have him in my life.
have an amazing dog. I'm sure you will hear more about her too. She makes me
laugh, belly laugh.
live in Cardiff, California. It is a beautiful place.
am grateful I have the time to write a blog, learn how to blog and reflect on
life -- due to three knee surgeries this is possible. Okay I am not being
grateful for this but...this is a big lemon--three lemons that need to be squeezed
into lemonade.
am told my health will improve with time. I am grateful for hope and the little
patience I still hold.
so I could continue, provide greater detail but I need to warm up to this
process. I still have 364 days to go, so I think I'll back-pocket the others
for tomorrow. Cheers for now.
Hey there! Are you still doing this??? I am Joy from Grateful Chics. I would like to connect with you on social media and feature you (and hopefully vice versa!). Will you go here and become a fan? Then we can message and connect further. Here are my 5 for today (although our thing is "Count 10 blessings a day to keep the worries away!)
ReplyDelete1) Grateful for LIFE
2) ...for a new contract job that pays well and only lasts 10 days
3) ...for surviving my 2nd day of running (really a jog walk) 4 miles to and from my daughter's school.
4) ...for Pandora. What a difference tunes make.
5) ...for this blog and YOU, the lemonade maker.
TTFN, Joy at www.gratefulchics.com